The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is an global professional organization for mechanical engineers that provides benefits for students at a national level. We are UNM’s chapter of ASME, meaning we are a student run section of ASME that provides local benefits for students. If you find the below interesting, feel free to subscribe to our ListSERV that will include
Our Mission:
Our goal is to provide our members with as much value as possible to set them up for success in and outside of academia. If there is anything more we can do to help you move forward as an engineer, then please let us know and we will do our best to make it happen.
See our membership benefits under the membership page!
Fill out this form to stay up to date on all of our events and meetings.
Leadership Team:
Mechanical Engineering Department Chair – Dr. Yu-Lin Shen (shenyl@unm.edu)
Organization Advisor - Dr. Peter Vorobieff (kalmoth@unm.edu)
President – Jonathan Martinez (joma101@unm.edu) (505.595.6323)
Vice President – Michael Kirby (mkirby8@unm.edu)
Treasurer – Benjamin Gannon (bgannon02@unm.edu)
Secretary – Didier Calderon (dcalderon2011@unm.edu)
Activities Director – Diego Nunez (dnunez2@unm.edu)