Membership Information

UNM ASME Chapter Mailing List and Membership:

Fill out this form to stay up to date on all of our events and meetings!


If you are already interested in officially joining, here's how the membership works:

We require a $25 membership due every semester paid here or during one of our meetings, and that you email the receipt and membership form to

Thank you for your interest in joining ASME. If you have any questions about memberships, ASME, or UNM in general, please feel free to reach out.

***If this is your first year in college, your first semester is free.


Membership Benefits:

Local Benefits:

  • As an engineer, wouldn't you like to learn the skills of the trade by gettinghands-on experience working on engineering projects? Then you should join our National Competition Team! At the beginning of the year, we meet as a group and vote on the competition(s) we should focus our attention on.
  • We make an effort to host fun, instructive, and worthwhile events every semester. Even if you don't have the time to participate with our national competition team, we will host various and highly beneficial networking events! We will provide you opportunities to meet other engineers, work for local and national businesses, and match you with researchers for successful internship opportunities.
  • Join an interactive community of your peers at UNM who are also focused on growth and success in their careers. Take advantage of pre-set meeting times and days to work together with others in prospects of learning and completing your homework sooner.
  • Your one-stop-shop to stay up to date on mechanical engineering scholarships, opportunities, and skill workshops.

National Benefits: